
Hierros Mora Antón

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    Steel for metal construction

    Steel has become the most important element of any metal construction. In the vast majority of buildings, a metal structure is used, which basically serves to support heavy loads. In fact, it is one of the most reliable structures. A ...

    January 23rd, 2023|

    Hierros Mora Antón takes material to Ibiza

    Hierros Mora Antón has collaborated with a hotel built in Ibiza in 2013 whose innovative project had (and has) the added gift of uniqueness.The facilities, avant-garde and modern, have two complementary establishments: The Ushuaïa Club and The Ushuaïa Tower.It is ...

    November 8th, 2022|

    Where does steel come from?

    Did you know that the name steel comes from the Latin aciarius, which refers to the material from which bladed weapons were made in ancient times? Yes, it is believed that shortly after 3,000 BC the possibility of mixing ...

    October 11th, 2022|
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